Worm food making ,in a blender

by Deborah

Hi everyone, Just thought I'd give you my monthly 1 hour meal making .

I throw all my veg/fruit scraps, potato peels, stale breads, cooked rice etc. in the freezer. Then once a month will thaw everything out throw it in the blender with some coffee grounds.

Put the mixture into cottage cheese containers and freeze again. Take one out twice a week thaw and feed my worms.

I find this method so easy and I have not had a bug problem. Just wanted to share. I also sprinkle egg shells that have been put threw a coffee grinder.

Thanks for sharing your tips.

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Dec 19, 2014
using a blender
by: Dale Robinson

I went through the blender phase as well. Next step was a garbage disposal mounted to a table so the food would go into buckets. I also used paper shredders to shred the paper and cardboard up.

Now I just put the garbage on the windrow and use a table saw to cut the paper into strips to cover the food.

Dec 24, 2014
Blending Worm Food
by: Pauly

Hi Deborah,

Thank you for sharing your worm recipe with us. Freezing, thawing & blending food is a great way to break down the worm food into tiny particulates in order for the microbes to break it ALL down faster.

As a matter of fact, if small enough, it will allow the worm to slurp up not only the microbes but the blended food as well. Nice job and keep it up.

Great idea Dale on the garbage disposal mounting for if someone has a large enough operation or maybe an old one lying around.
I can also see someone using one, as Deborah mentioned, in preparing plenty of worm food in advance for freezing for future use.

All great ideas and thanks for sharing :)


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