Sell or Buy Worms Locally
castings, worm bins, & related products)

Readers ask me, "Where can I buy worms locally or buy worms near me?" The list is below.

That's a tough question. So I've decided to build some pages that will enable buyers and sellers to hook up all over the world. Maybe this could be "global worming" :)

I don't care if you buy worms through me or not. I just want you to get some worms as fast as possible.

This page will be a hub for all who want to buy or sell worms locally and not have to pay the high shipping cost.

Buy Worms Locally DirectoryBuy Worms Locally Directory

Attention Worm Sellers!
Please fill out the free listing form at bottom of page to join. This is a very popular directory.

Worms aren't generally shipped outside the United States due to some international shipping regulations.

The worms wouldn't pass through Customs and quite frankly, they just wouldn't survive the trip either. This is also my way of helping the commercial growers to get more traffic to their website to help grow their business.

I'm slowly building the worm directory pages, so be patient
as I grow a list of suppliers who want to sell to those in their area and beyond. Below will be a continually growing list of worm growers in your part of the world.

Just click the state, country, or region that is associated with your location. For those outside the USA, I am GDPR compliant.

If you're a worm grower then fill out the form below and I will add you to the list below as a worm grower or seller. A simple thank you is all I ask in return :)

We're building a community of like-minded people.

Let customers know that you sell worm castings and other related worm and gardening products. The more they buy from you locally, the more they save on shipping costs.

Before you look for a Worm Vendor you may also be interested in why you're here in the first place. Maybe you're a gardener or just want to recycle. Please read my article:

The History of Chemical Fertilizers and where we go From Here

Buy Worms Locally in the U.S.A

If you're looking for "Buy Worms Near Me", you may also be looking for:

  • Buy Worm Castings, 
  • Buy Worm Tea,
  • Buy Compost Tea,
  • Buy Composting Worms, Buy Fishing Worms,
  • Buy Worm Bins, Buy Composting Bins, etc.

Go back and find worms locally or...

Can't Buy Worms Locally?
Buy Worms Through Me and get a FREE eBook!
Watch the Video

Buy Worms Locally in Other Countries

If a worm supplier near you is no longer in business, please let Pauly know buy filling out the contact us form. link at the bottom of every page.

Attention Worm Growers!
What if you don't live in the USA?

If you live in another country that's Alright. Fill out the form below and we'll create a worm business listing for you just like above. We'll gladly list your company on our site for the purpose of helping worm farmers across the world buy worms locally...

"Global Worming"

Let me discuss WHY you should list your worm business in the "WFR Buy Worms Locally Directory" Below

I’ve been conducting a small research on the pages I’ve built for worm businesses listed in the...

Worm Farming Revealed Worm Grower Directory

If you are listed under the keyword “buy worms in (your state/country)” then you’re listed on the first page, and in 90% of the results, at the very tippy-top of the very first page (under the paid ads).

If you type “Buy Worms in California” you’ll find over 20 million search results for this keyword phrase. If you live in California, and you’re listed with Worm Farming Revealed, you’ve beat out other worm business competitors using that keyword or similar key phrases.

Now, do your own keyword search for your state, country, or province and you’ll find Worm Farming Revealed (WFR) has beat out millions of search results to be at the top-of-the-top IF a worm grower is listed with us. If you don't see it in the search results, chances are, I recently built that listing.

Hint: Make sure you sign out of Google or go "incognito" before searching.

The cool thing is, most of these listed pages have very few words on them. Usually a web page needs to have a lot of great content to list well. Since WFR has been writing quality content honestly and fundamentally correct since 2010 (I've been writing Internet content since the late 90s) it’s gained a lot of credibility with Google and even with the Alexa Ranking Tool (a web statistic engine that is used by all the the other web statistical engines) created by Amazon since 1996 (has nothing to do with Alexa Echo).

If YOUR website is doing well with Alexa, you're building credibility with the world.

And if you have a worm business web page and WFR links to your secure  website, that also builds your credibility.

Even the keyword “Buy Worms” is on the first page for WFR and these are among my most popular pages in my own web statistics.

So, if you’re not listed in the FREE WFR Worm Directory, you’re losing money to your competitors.

The reason I started these pages was because customers are looking to buy worms locally to avoid shipping costs. However, many times customers end up shipping them locally anyway. It’s also a chance for you to up sell them at that time or in the future.

So why am I offering this for free?

  • It brings visitors to my website,
  • Gives me the ability to offer them my free guide, books, and other related products or whatever,
  • Gets any support I can get from them, and
  • I'm glad I helped someone find you.

I know I’ve lost them to you but at least I had a chance to make an impact in their life in some way, AND they’ll probably be back at some point too.

If you have signed up and ARE getting people from my directory, you may not even know it because you don’t have some kind of system set in place to monitor your sales traffic.

This is when you simply ask your customer or potential customer where they came from and they’ll gladly tell you they came from WFR Buy Worms Locally Directory or any other Site or word-of-mouth.

I would also add that if I know you personally and your quality of service (i.e. I've received worms from you for quality control) or I know that your reputation is positively ubiquitous, I add WFR's Seal of Approval to your "buy worms locally" listing to help you get the click.

I know what it's like to receive dead, slimy smelly worms. I  want to help as many customers as I can to get quality service with healthy worms. So, if I know you and your reputation and have experienced it first hand, my seal is yours.

So, if you have a worm business or are getting ready to sell worms, then,

  • Sign up below
  • Get listed in the WFR Directory, and 

To Your Success,

Want to increase your 
worm growth rate outputs?

Take a look at this - Starting a Worm Farming Business

Okay, Sellers...
Fill Out the "I'm A Worm Grower" Form

I'm A Worm Grower Form

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


Listing Terms

You, your (the listee) We, us (Worm Farming Revealed)

You acknowledge that listing with Worm Farming Revealed is Free and that you will not expect any leads, sales or results of any kind from this free listing. You give permission to Worm Farming Revealed to display any information that you have provided in the form above according to your request.

You understand that Worm Farming Revealed may contact you to verify that you intended to list here on the Site.

You agree to not hold Worm Farming Revealed accountable for any financial or any type of reputable loss or loss in any way due to this listing. The information you have provided is solely your responsibility. You acknowledge that the information will be displayed all over the world and that you may remove or update it by letting us know in the contact us form.

You agree that your listing may be adjacent or juxtaposed to or on the same page as your competitor's listing/information.

Worm Farming Revealed reserves the right to remove your listing or the partial or entire Free Listing program from our website for any reason at all, at any time and without any type of notice to you from us.

If you would like to withdraw your listing from us and/or any information therein then please fill out the Contact Us form and we'll be quite sad to remove your listing.

Our goal is to help you find those that wish to receive worms from wonderful local suppliers (like you) in order to establish a relationship that fulfills each other's needs.

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