worm farming business courses - WFA Bentley's Option 1

by Nancy

Hi Pauly,

Can you explain why option 1, Bentley's course is only $67? Why is it cheaper? I don't see training material?

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Feb 15, 2024
worm farming business courses -Worm Farming Alliance Group
by: Pauly

Hello Nancy,

Great question. If you're not a Facebook user. This is not for you.

This is a members only FB group with all professional worm farmers and new worm farming business people.

You'll see Bentley, me, Larry, Steve, and others in this group. It is cheaper because it only a private group to ask questions about anything worm farming business related.

This is why it's the budget option 1. It is a "group access" and NOT a course.

However, you may not have access to all of us all the time, but you will definitely get Bentley. You will get answers to your questions.

You will also get my Worm Farming Revolution book free as I'm sure you know. This is a great place to start, then when the money comes in, you can reinvest it into other actual courses.

thanks for the question,

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