What can I add

by Alan
(New Zealand)

Are the following safe to add to worm farm (please!):

1. Orange peel.
2. Avocado skins – and stones.
3. Banana skins
4. Paper towel scraps
5. Vacuum dust

Thank you in anticipation

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Aug 04, 2024
What can I add to a worm bin?
by: Pauly

Hello Alan,

4 out of 5 items you listed are okay to add to a worm bin as long as it is in moderation.

However, I would NOT recommend the vacuum dust or contents of any household vacuum cleaner.

Just like lint from a clothes dryer, it contains animal or human hair that will wrap around the composting worm and choke or cut them in half.

I have experienced this with my own worm bins. Yes the material will eventually break down into worm castings, but it's not worth the lives of your worms.

Leave the dust to your outside compost piles, on the lawn or gardens, or just throw it away.

Thank for the question,
Pauly P

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