The End ?

by Dolly Ann
(Colorado City Texas USA)

I've been taking a heaping teaspoon in a small glass of cold tea with Stevia.

I started in May of this year (2013) I saw an ad for a candida cure with a description of something, unnamed that made me think of DE.

Tried to find a site that sold DE as the cure described was lengthy, time consuming and was from England from what I could tell, and didn't want to be "involved" with a return.

I searched for DE, found a site. The site had people writing in, telling how DE helped them. There was my candida! (In the meantime I purchased Linda Allen's video -- which I never even "picked up", and her ebook, same thing.

Discovered I had already bought her book and cookbook back in 2008 or 09 ! I'm out some $ -- it hurts(!)

I had a convention to go to in just a few weeks and wanted to be sure the candida was gone, so I paid a small fortune to have it shipped overnight.

The company I got it from were only allowed to ship the larger quantity to Texas and I didn't know where else to purchase it from (now I do -- too late!).

My candida has not returned and it is 2 months now. I feel secure. AND I now have long fingernails. Haha.

I'm old now, but realize that I was born with candida due to my mother's candy, coke, and chip diet. (That's the ONLY thing she took in).

Now, after some really bad times, I'm free -- I hope and I pray.

My symptoms were horrible these last 2 years, even using a naturepathic doctor, having him give up and telling me to get a drug -- I about killed myself with an overdose of it!

My husband body-bagged me and ozonated me one middle of the night. Didn't help. I didn't have itches in private areas anymore, but arms, legs, and heading for my eyes.

In my little girl years, my palms would itch terribly in the winter. Then when on BC, private parts. I'm like the picture on the front of Allen's eBook, now.

That's my story and I hope there's no sequel.

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Nov 03, 2013
Awesome Diatomaceous Earth Testimony
by: Pauly

WOW! Dolly Ann, That's an incredible story and I'm so glad you posted your story here.

Many people will benefit from your testimony and be encouraged to continue to use it.

Thank you so much,

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