Juice at bottom of worm bin


What are you using to collect any juice at the bottom of your worm bin please?

I see the bins all constructed, but can't seem to find this answer. Thank you for your site.


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Nov 02, 2012
Leachate at Bottom of Worm Bin
by: Pauly

Hello Patty,

Thanks for writing in to the community help section.
Here is the link to the DIY worm bin page:


I have a video uploaded that explains about catching the leachate into the bottom bin. This is the purpose for the lower plastic bin.

It also catches any stragglers that may have gotten out of bin from above. You just simply dump out the leachate that collects at the bottom.

I hope you are not using it to water your plants as this is completely different from "Worm Tea".

To learn about the difference between leachate and worm tea click here: https://www.wormfarmingrevealed.com/leachate-vs-worm-tea.html

If you have a Worm Factory then these have a built-in collection tray at the bottom with a spigot.

If you build your own wooden flow-through system then just simply place any kind of container underneath to collect the leachate.

I hope this answers your question Patty. If not then just add to this comments page and I'll be happy to help some more.

Have a great Weekend,

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