In the worm breeding course, will I get my money's worth?

by doug

Pauly please help,

In the worm breeding course, will I get my money's worth? You state that videos go fast? don't understand. why?

Does Larry talk fast or is sped up? Can you tell me more? I'd like to get it but I need more info I guess.

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Feb 15, 2024
worm breeding course videos on feeding
by: Pauly

Hello Doug,

thanks for the question.

Larry's worm breeding courses go fast because he introduces one video after another. He doesn't talk too much and all the info hits you at once, then you'll need to rewatch.

There is a lot of information in the videos. They are not designed to be fancy, but the content is all there for breeding worms to maximum potential.

He does discuss other issues and will have charts to work on.

He'll go over it with you and you can ask him anything. This also gets you into his private FB group.

You'll get my Complete Package to download. This helps you reach out to your customers and answer questions about how worm castings are better than other soil amendments. Plus answer many more questions they'll have.

Will you get your money's worth? He backs it up with a 110% guarantee. Yes, the content is there and will save you countless hours and mistakes.

It takes months to grow worm populations. Why not start out right?

He also shows you how to feed using regular kitchen food and NOT manure. This is different than what a lot of people think.

Steve even includes Larry's Elite Worm Breeding Course with his own. Will you get your money's worth? It depends on you. I don't know you so I can't REALLY honestly answer that.

Read his testimonials. I wouldn't promote it if I didn't believe in the training.

thanks for your question.

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