Favorite Food to Feed the Worms...
by Dale Robinson
(Lawton, OK)
Good question Pauly.
I try to feed the worms anything that is either free or don't cost much when the free stuff is not available.
Free stuff is what I can get at local produce resellers and farmers. This time of year there are a lot of field rotted produce and some that reach the stores. I put these through a commercial quality garbage disposal and fill up 5 gallon buckets. Some of these can get real sloppy though. If there is a lot of watermelons and cantaloupes, the water is petty bad and can flood out a worm bin. The water also makes a lot of stuff you want on top go to the bottom of the bin. For a flow through bin this would be undesirable.
What I do is mix enough shredded cardboard/paper in to absorb that excess water. Then, the mix can be mixed in with the top bedding materials so they won't go anaerobic. I feed this to them in an amount that will disappear in a couple of days. The paper won't disappear for about 4-5 days but then adding new every couple of days keeps it in there. I could also add some coir or peat to the slop in place of the paper.
I also get coffee grounds from coffee shops and hit up a couple of restaurants for coffee grounds and vegetable scraps.
When the free stuff gets scarce, I like to get some cracked corn and some cotton seed meal. I mix these about 75% Corn and throw them in a crock pot to cook. The worms tend to grow faster when their food is more digestible. I never had much luck with raw grains. They eat it but they don't grow as much as when it is cooked. I have tried whole grains but they need to be put through a blender or something to break the seeds open.
I have some contacts for where I can get all the manure I can use but I have no way to haul it for now. I may forgo using manure for a while because Black Cow is expensive and not really necessary. I have 20 tons of 5 lb. coir bricks I can use instead.