Agriculture Undergrad student Major in Animal Science

by Rolly Sinang


I would like to know if there is any, or at least have you tried or can vermi tea can be used for the performance of chicken as part of vitamins mix with water?

Hoping for your favorable response.

Very truly yours,

Rolly Sinang

FFHNAS College Student

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Feb 19, 2012
Using Worm Tea On Farm Animals
by: Anonymous


Well...Ummmmmm...Hey, I bet pond water tastes better.

You're asking the wrong worm whisperer on this one.
I'll go out on a limb for you though.

I would say that if you wanted to get the right vitamins and minerals into a chicken then you need to be looking into the right kind of foods for chickens or any farm animal.

Since chickens are omnivores like you and I then I would advise you look into the right plants and earth bearing minerals.

Plants are not like chickens when it comes to their diet as plants absorb tiny microscopic organisms for food and I'm not sure if feeding chickens "Worm Tea" would disrupt their diet or processing.

I understand where you are going with this but I'm not sure as to what kind of vitamins might be in worm tea assuming that you know what Worm Tea is.

Sorry! but some think that it is what's collected at the bottom of the worm bin.

Much success in your endeavors to create the "Mighty Duck"

Yours Truly,

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