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Using Worm Castings in Starter Pots March 03, 2017 |
The First EverWorm Farming Ultimate Package
Welcome to another issue of the Poop Scoop.
Where it's my ultimate goal to Teach, Inspire & Empower you to
become the best worm farmer you can be...Plus a lot more!!! In This Issue...
1. The Ultimate Package! Just a quick mention about our newest package, we call "The Ultimate Package" has everything a worm farmer could ever want. It even comes with the 274 pg paperback book mailed to your front door. Many of you have been waiting for this and now IT IS HERE! The U.P will equip you with the ability learn, apply, and lastly, teach others to do the same. What can I really say about this monster of a product except I am so proud to offer it to you. If you want it for this spring, it's currently $60 and a bargain for those who will be applying the lessons for several years to come. Here's what you get...
Learn - Apply - Teach...Have Fun! To purchase the Ultimate Package and see a chart of all eProducts, Packages, and Bundles we offer 2. Using Worm Castings in Starter Pots Using worm castings in starter pots is so easy a cave man could do it...and they probably did too :) because worm castings are about as old as dirt :) Some of you are new to worm composting and some have been doing it for a few years. Either way, we're always trying to perfect "the mix" and start the season a little differently, or much better than the last planting season. Since I consider you a Poop Scoop (V.I.P.) member, I'm revealing to you a portion of what's written in my WFR's Secret Recipe eBook (my personal planting mix and methodology, verbatim) Every garden picture you see at the website is from my mix below. I've had many failures. My failures won't necessarily be yours, but my success can definitely be your success too. If you manage a garden the size I do, not only will you have plenty to eat, you'll have even MORE to give away. I don't know many things more fulfilling than giving away the fruit of your labor and seeing a HUGE smile on someone's face :)) There are many reasons for making sure that a seed or seedling has the proper nutrition for growth. I won't get into that here just as long as we both know that synthetic chemicals ARE NOT FOOD! Okay, so on with the mix. If you've read my Worm Castings Usage page then you have a good starting-point for your mix. Here are the percentages again for my potting mix recipe:
EVERYTHING I place in the starter pot or ground (if starting in the garden) will eventually become food for the plant. When carbon is placed in the pot, not only does it breakdown and become food for the plant, but it creates loose "soil" and aerated pockets. Roots don't like resistance and the less resistance they have, the quicker their roots can grow into other pockets of nutrition. To some people, 25% worm castings may seem high and to others, not enough. 25% is what I always feel safe saying because only you know your castings. To a beginner though, they don't know the nutritional value of their worm castings at all. We all feed our worms differently and provide different environments. This can alter the value of the castings. Most often, the percentage of castings can be less than 20%. You will have to do your own testing or just play it safe and use 20-25% worm castings. Here are some things that carbon does: • Locks in moisture Plus, it remains food for worms and other macro organisms that will break it down into plant food throughout the growing season. It attracts worms which will continue to aerate the "soil" and worms will spread their castings throughout the root system. There are many carbon sources. Not just the ones listed above. You probably already have what you need lying around your backyard. So the cool thing about the mix is that it already mimics what's in your worm bin and is as natural as it gets. How many times have you lifted the lid (if you use one) of your worm bin and found tomatoes or peppers growing? Many times! You can also add boosters for your microbes (not absolutely necessary though) like, kelp and algamin etc. And PLEASE do not forget the minerals such as, Agricultural lime, Azomite, Diatomaceous Earth, ground eggshell or oyster shell, etc. You don't need all of these just use a mineral or two, PLEASE. Many diseases in plants are from mineral deficiencies as the surrounding soil is void of the proper minerals for strong plant structure and overall functionality. Other steps to perform is brewing worm tea (AWT) if you wish. This will give your seeds or seedlings added benefits. Because your worms were cultured in a monitored scenario with optimum care, you'll have amazing worm castings. This is the same for brewing aerated worm tea. The microbes are SUPER CHARGED with maximum nutrition for your plants. Worm castings found in the wild may or may not be as nutritious as castings from your worm bin. You were in control of what the worms ate in order to have highly nutritious castings. Always Provide PLENTY (and I mean plenty) of light so your plants don't grow too spindly. Providing a fan to blow on the plants causes the stalks to react to windy conditions so they concentrate on growing more roots and thicker stalks to withstand the stormy conditions of spring. It doesn't need to be a strong fan, just offer some resistance. The great thing about using "the mix", it's natural and ready for the great outdoors to be planted in the garden along with other natural plant foods. Providing a carbon bedding over the winter months can be beneficial for next years planting as the carbon turns into castings or insect frass for the entire ground or raised beds etc. Using the same mix as above for your transplants into the garden, along with Aerated Worm Tea will give you wonderful results. Stay tuned for THAT newsletter later this spring. Till then...Grow Something Amazing :) 3. Another WFR Trusted Worm Source - Quoc-Huy I always try to do my due diligence and scour the globe to find those who are like-minded and share my passion. A passion for teaching, inspiring, and empowering others to be their best. In this issue I would like to introduce to you Quoc-Huy NGUYEN DINH from Wyoming, Australia. I have seen him join our social groups, learn many things, ask many things, and then teach many things. I've had several conversations with him personally and ever since he began worm farming, he's put his nose to the grind stone and created some great entertaining resources. He is a great source of excitement, energy, and has fun ways of education people all over the world through his videos, blogs, microscopic slides & videos, etc. His website is The Little Worm and he's also been raising Black Soldier Fly Larvae, as well as worms. Go say hi to Quoc-Huy and check out his cool Worm magazine called the WORM'AG. Tell him Pauly sent you :) Thank you Quock-Huy for a job well done and keep up the work :) That's it for us here at the Poop Scoop newsletter. I hope you have a wonderful week and I'll see you next issue with LOT'S of other things on the way. Till then...Grow Something Amazing! ~Pauly
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