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The Poop Scoop Newsletter, A Book About Perionyx Excavatus Worms, Also Worm Farming Memes
May 24, 2016

A Book About Perionyx Excavatus Worms, Also Worm Farming Memes

Welcome to another issue of the Poop Scoop.  Where it's my ultimate goal to Teach, Inspire & Empower you to become the best worm farmer you can be...Plus a lot more!!!

 In This Issue...

  1. A book About Perionyx Excavatus Worms (Are they in your bin?)

  2. Worm Farming Memes (Win prizes...again!)


1. A book About Perionyx Excavatus Worms

I've always said that the only thing easier than worms to take care of is a pet rock. ;) However, have you ever followed instructions to a tee and, for no appearant reason, your squirm decided to MASS EXODUS! :O

In many cases it could be that you were raising the wrong species OR a mix of two different species. In fact, this COULD be you right now. The species known to invade many commercial worm farms is the Perionyx Excavatus Worms. Common names are the Blue Worm, Indian Blue, or Malaysian worm among others.

It's easy to identify them if you know what to look for in behavior and characteristics, which brings me to this.

A Trusted Worm Source,

Especially for Help with Identifying Several Worms Species AND

Composting with Blue Worms.

Remember in another issue I said I would be revealing some people in the worm farming industry that I've personally vetted? They know there worm stuff. Well, Larry Shier of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada is another source of worm information. His brain is literally an encyclopedia of information. He was recently featured in one of Steve Churchill's Urban Worm Company Interview series, Larry Shier.

Larry has been composting with Perionyx Excavatus worms for a while now and purposefully wanted to take on the challenge. Because this worm is very lively, eats mass amounts, and breeds very rapidly, makes this worm even more attractive to many worm farmers than even the red wiggler.

However, due to it's unpredictable nature, sensitivity to colder climates, and weather changes makes it a challenge for the budding worm farmer. That's why Larry has made it his mission to be one of the first to understand and tame one of the most misunderstood, unpredictable, yet greatest composting worms on the market (if you can find a blue worm vendor who cultures such species).

Now if there was only a book on how to compost with the Perionyx Excavatus worms. OH! That's right! Larry Shier already wrote a book called The Rogue Wiggler. Details are below. FYI his book is only $3.99, 40 pgs, and comes with a lifetime of updates. Below is a link to the 1st edition.

What You Need to Know When Purchasing Worms...

Did you know that most worm vendors can't guarantee that your order will contain a pure stock? In fact, many vendors can't even identify a rogue invader, such as, the Blue Worm. Price Matters!

If you receive such orders, like 1,000's of other customers have, you'll need to know what to do.

Avoid "Mass Exodus" Get the book by Larry Shier today! Introductory offer only $3.99!

The Rogue Wiggler

Comes with a Lifetime of Updates

He also has a Facebook page (Blue Worm Composting) and a website ( dedicated to the blue worm, which is under construction.

Thank you LJ for your desire to help the community in controlling and working with nature rather than running from it or us thinking nature is running from us ;)

2. Worm Farming Memes

I'm so excited again to be doing a raffle drawing! I just love giving things away!!!

Okay So, Let's Have Some Fun!

I've created a page dedicated to worm farming memes only. I have other fun pages like, Worm Farming Stories, You Might Be A Worm Farmer, and now Worm Farming Memes.

I just want to have some fun now that I have a lot of other priorities out of the way :)

I've created the first 5, but your meme doesn't need to be that elaborate. We have some great ones sent in already and are funny and every meme that is shared will be eligible for the drawing. That's right! If you send in 1 or 20 then your name will be entered into the raffle drawing as many times as you upload a meme.

I want as many memes as possible. Even if you don't want to play I'd still love to have your meme on the website for us to get a kick out of. Just let me know you don't want to be entered into the drawing in the description of your meme and I'll take care of the rest.

Here's what the winners will get:

  1. 1st Prize - Worm Farming Revolution Paperback Book & all WFR eBooks, Coloring Pages (and new ones), & The Worm Farming PowerPoint Presentation
  2. 2nd Prize - All WFR eBooks, Coloring Pages (and new ones), & The Worm Farming PowerPoint Presentation.
  3. 3rd Prize - One eBook or WFR digital product of your choice.

Creating a meme is fun and easy. Goto and choose a picture and start typing then upload your meme to the webpage below.

Worm Farming Memes
Goto the website for more details. Happy Meming! :)

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"From Synthetic Thinking to Organic Doing"

~Pauly Piccirillo

To Teach, Inspire & Empower you to become the best worm farmer you can be...Plus a lot more!!!

Please share this email with those you know will benefit!

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