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The Poop Scoop, How To Use Worm Castings. & Here Are The Winners March 11, 2013 |
How to use Worm Castings
Welcome to another issue of the Poop Scoop. How to use worm castings. Where it is my ultimate goal to Teach, Inspire & Empower you to become the best worm farmer/gardener you can be. We start this issue first by congratulating 3 winners of the "Submit a Testimonial" contest. Here is who won. 1st Place Cindy Schirmer - Charleston, Sc. winner of the Worm Factory 360 Thank you everyone who participated and kindly submitted your testimonials. You are all winners if you have gleaned anything from WFR. Latest Pages and Questions Latest Pages Latest Questions Please feel free to comment on WFR's worm questions, worm farming community help, DE pages and any other pages at the site where you see the forms generally located at the bottoms of those pages. I don't have all the answers. So please help build the WFR community knowledge base when you can and feel free to share this email with others. How To Use Worm Castings When knowing how to use worm castings it's not rocket science, although it can be. That's the beauty of worm castings. It's entirely up to you and how you plan to grow your plants. Whether it's fruits, vegetables, house plants, trees, lawns, flower gardens, seeds, seedlings or making worm tea always remember that a little goes a long way. In general, it's a good practice to use the 25-33% rule. You should never, in my opinion, use more than this. Remember, in the WFR guide (worm castings usage), that much more than this may impede the overall productivity of the plant. I like to look at it like the "To much of a good thing is bad" theory. If you start out with a mix of: 25% worm castings Then you'll find out that you will be able to back off the worm castings 5% at a time for each study or experiment you perform either year by year or for each of the same plant you place next to each other. If you're new to worm farming and using worm castings, then don't deviate from the 25% rule too much until you know what percent works for your particular plant or situation. Now, honestly, when it comes to gardening there are so many variables it's enough to make one's head spin, but relax, it's far more simpler than the current US tax code. Using castings is better than not using any at all. So this is just a guideline. Some gardeners also add volcanic ash, kelp, blood meal, Diatomaceous Earth, Calcium and other minerals etc... but never synthetic fertilizers along with the castings. The synthetic fertilizers will completely bring your entire worm farming journey to naught. While I'm on this subject I would like to point out, to some of you starting your gardens from seedlings, if you buy your plants from a nursery that used synthetic fertilizers then your plant will have a hard time trying to adjust from synthetic to natural foods (worm castings). Also remember that these man-made chemicals kill the microbes in the soil and worm castings that is so vital as plant food. I cannot tell you that it will kill all of the microbes but why take any chances. Instead I encourage you to get organically fed seedlings or sow the seeds yourself. It really is not anymore time consuming to plant the seeds vs seedlings. As a matter of fact, it's easier, but I know that sometimes we miss the opportunity due to certain circumstances. How To Use Worm
Tea I have found throughout my worm farming/gardening experience that using the worm tea along with the worm castings is about as important as taking your vitamin supplements with your food. I'm not saying that you won't live a long and healthy life. I'm just saying that you notice a difference when you take some form of extra power food and you definitely notice a difference when you forget. Do you want healthy plants that look green and luscious and bear lots of big tasty fruit? Then use the worm castings. Now, do you want plants that look green and luscious and bear lots of big tasty fruit AND stand big and proud above all the rest of the plants and even more able to withstand pests and diseases? Then use the worm tea. The worm tea is nothing but a liquid form of the worm castings. It's in a readily absorptive state for the plants to be able to suck up all those powerful beneficial microbes. The castings are more of a slow time-release food. So you see they both go hand-in-hand and can be used from the time you plant the seed to the time you harvest your last crop. As a matter of fact, the tea will keep on working throughout the fall and winter. The more you use (respectively) the more microbes you're putting into the soil. They'll continue to grow and grow and multiply to the point that you won't need to use as much worm tea each and every year. So use the worm tea in your starter pots this spring along with using it on your lawns. Use as much as you want and as often as you'd like. It's Only Food! (microbes) It won't hurt anything. This concludes how to use worm castings and how to use worm tea...(for now ;-) Remember, if you want FREE WORMS then purchase the
Worm Factory 360 while this offer lasts. Along with other great
WFR products, I have NEVER had an unsatisfied customer who's bought worms from me.
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